Edifício Dynamic
Commercial and Services - Braga - 2011
Commercial and Services - Braga - 2011
Following the growth that involved the city of Braga, and taking into consideration the market demands, Castro Group started to build in 2011 one of the most iconic buildings of the area: Edifício Dynamic, later recognized as Edifício Primavera.
With 18,984m2, this building is recognized not only for the volume but also because of the architecture. Its structure is covered by a layer of glass film, giving a mirrored effect to the city. The result is a perfect balance between the building and the surrounding environment. Regarding the interior of Edifício Dynamic, it is possible to sense the harmony among the colours, comfort, symmetrical layout of spaces and ergonomic materials.
Driven by factors like location, innovation, sustainability, and technology, one of the most iconic buildings in the city was constructed near Lamaçães.
Distinction and magnificence are some of the most prominent characteristics of Edifício Dynamic that led to its nomination in 2010 for the World Architecture Festival (WAF) – the most notable architecture competition in the world – in the category Future Projects in Commerce and Services area.
In the Dynamic Building are companies such as PRIMAVERA Business Software Solutions, Supercor and FitnessHut.