Currently, we live too attached to the excuse that “we don’t have time”, and, when we realize it, another day, another week, another month, and another year have passed. Our life seems to focus on actions that allow us to “have more” and, therefore, we work more, compete for more, aim for more, earn more, buy more… And when this self-demand assumes a proportion in which “having more” can mean losing? Wasting time with our family and friends, losing leisure time, losing sleep, losing the quality of life, losing motivation and performance in the workplace?
It is essential to have the ability to adjust to our reality and our demands, finding a balance that promotes our personal and professional growth and, consequently, our mental health. And it’s mental health that this article is about.
The World Health Organization defines mental health as a state of well-being that enables an individual to realize his or her own potential, enabling him or her to cope with the normal pressures of life, to be able to work productively and fruitfully and contribute to your community.
Did you know that 1 in 5 Portuguese suffers from a mental disorder and that Portugal is the second country in Europe with the highest prevalence of psychiatric diseases?
The issue of mental health is not recent, and this concern is practical. However, the truth is that the pandemic worked as an accelerator – talking only about physical well-being as a synonym for “being healthy” is too reductive. There is an increasing awareness that without mental health, there is no health. In this follow-up, the impact that COVID-19 had on the psychological well-being of people/workers promoted greater awareness of this topic in managers and leaders.
In many organizations, mental health at work remains a taboo subject, which means that many employees do not talk about their problems because they fear being harmed or being given labels. In this sequence, the managers must assume a facilitating role, creating and promoting moments for employees to speak, without fear, about labour matters that may generate discomfort and harm their mental health.
It seems important to emphasize that in companies where there are constant conflicts or people do not feel heard or valued, there is a greater risk of mental disorders such as burnout (a state of physical and mental exhaustion caused by the exercise of professional activity), anxiety or depression. In this follow-up, we highlight that, according to the report of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, it is estimated that in Portugal, due to the lack of psychological health, workers register absenteeism of 6.2 days per year and presenteeism – the act of physically attending the workplace, despite not meeting the health conditions necessary for the expected performance of the work activity – it will be 12.4 days.
Mental and emotional well-being influences how we perceive ourselves, how we communicate, how we relate to others, and how we experience and experience day-to-day events, which will directly impact how we work, our motivation and, consequently, the results and productivity.
In this sense, experts argue that organizations that promote cooperation, communication, and active listening, concerned with the well-being of their employees, are organizations that foster a good working environment, which will inevitably favour good mental health.