Internal Communication: Tool for organizational success

The pandemic came to test our ability to resilience and adaptation, both on a personal level and at the level of labor. Digital channels have taken a leading role and remote work thus becomes “the new normal”.

This reality has stirred the waters with regard to internal communication. More than ever, organizations must be sensitive to this issue and promote tools for internal communication to develop effectively so that teams feel supported and integrated into their new routines.

If at the beginning remote work generated some strangeness, time would reveal that most employees were able to positively adapt to this model. Despite the success of this new way of “doing work”, it came, simultaneously, to reveal (or how much we depend on each other), either so that work can flow better, or because of the natural need for interaction and proximity. Failing to share the same space and failing to be face-to-face with people can pose a threat to organizational culture.

Here lies another challenge for companies: finding a balance between measures to protect employees and the promotion of their welfare emotionally.


Communicate, communicate, communicate, this will be a success factor?


Today, many leaders recognize that internal communication is intrinsically aligned with organizational success.

Establish clear communication, assertive, regular, integrative, may be the key point for organizations to transmit confidence, commitment, and tranquility to their employees, encouraging these feelings of inclusion and belonging.


Comunicação Interna
Each organization should include in your DNA communication strategies that have their people as the pillar for success and, from there, create in-house tools that underpin organizational culture and promote interaction and motivation.

Here are some examples:

  • Make known the mission, vision, and values of the company so that there is an alignment between the company and employees;


  • Conduct team meetings where, in addition to clarifying doubts, employees have space to share their concerns so that the head of the department can develop strategies to motivate its elements;


  • Hold general meetings where administrators communicate to workers the decisions and strategies implemented by the organization and, simultaneously, encourage the sharing of ideas and concerns. The feeling of belonging alone generates motivation and willingness to do more and better for the employer;


  • Sending internal newsletters allows you to inform and motivate employees. It is a method that ensures that everyone is following the company’s evolution;


  • Communicating is also listening, so it is crucial to pay attention to the ideas, opinions, and criticisms shared by employees as a way to help the organization itself to evolve and improve;


  • Value and recognize the performance of workers fosters motivation and productivity;


  • Create a group on WhatsApp where more urgent questions can be easily answered;


  • Increase interaction spaces and leisure in offices;

Internal communication - Spaces

  • Promote informal actions and events that bring the team together;


Currently, the path is already different from that which was followed during the pandemic, but it is still necessary for people to feel happy and capable, whether at home or in the workplace. Recognize the implications of adapting to new ways of working, be attentive to the emotional well-being and mental health of the worker, and valuing the spirit of proximity are factors that, alone, challenge any business sector.

It is up to each organization to look at its people and see in them the allies for its success, for that, we reinforce the key idea of this article: the importance of knowing how to communicate internally, which presupposes knowing how to listen, share, speak, motivate and encourage.

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